We are always here to help and answer any questions

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  • What if you don’t find the property?

    Our extensive search, network, and commitment ensure we find suitable properties for 99% of our clients.

  • What if I see a property that I like on an online portal?

    Share the property details with us! We’ll assess and view properties on your behalf to ensure they align with your needs. Most of the time, we’ve already received these property details directly from agents. 

  • How does a property finder save me money?

    We save you time, provide market knowledge to prevent overpaying, negotiate in your best interest regarding price, specific requirements, terms, and conditions, while also presenting exclusive off-market listings, ultimately resulting in cost savings.

  • What’s the difference between a property finder and an estate agent?

    As property finders, we act on behalf of renters or buyers, prioritising our clients’ interests in finding the most suitable property. In contrast, estate agents primarily work for landlords or vendors, aiming to serve the landlords’ or vendors’ interests in selling or renting out properties.

    Our strength lies in maintaining this distinction, which ensures that our clients trust us, knowing we remain impartial.

  • I don’t understand all of the jargon that the solicitors use?

    We’re familiar with legal terms and will guide you through the process, ensuring clarity.

  • What does a property finder do that I cannot do myself?

    As property finders, we are consistently sourcing properties, granting access to an extensive network and insider connections. We provide tailored recommendations, market expertise, and negotiation skills that streamline your property acquisition and rental search. With access to off-market listings, legal knowledge, and long-term support, we introduce you to ideal contacts, significantly enhancing your chances of finding and securing the perfect property in London.

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