A Rental case study in Parsons Green, London, UK

Case study background and context

Our clients, a very busy professional couple—a banker and an M&A lawyer—were looking to move before their daughter started nursery in September. Their current apartment had become too small and lacked sufficient storage. They needed a new home that met specific criteria, including excellent insulation, double glazing, ideally a top-floor location with lifts, greenery views, and a quiet setting away from busy roads due to their noise sensitivity.

Property search criteria

  • 2 to 3 bed
  • Double glazed
  • Upper floors with lift
  • Quiet environment

The challenge

Finding a property that met all their criteria in a limited timeframe was challenging. Despite viewing and pre-viewing numerous options over four weeks, none were suitable. The property market in Kensington and Chelsea was low in stock, necessitating a broader search area.

Results and outcomes

After expanding the search to Parsons Green, we quickly identified a perfect house on our first viewing in the area. During an afternoon of viewings, the house attracted four offers, including ours. We advised our clients on the best terms to offer and successfully secured the property for them. The agreed terms included a two-year period with no rent increase and a maximum increase of 3-5% after 24 months, indexed to the Retail Price Index (RPI).

The key to success

Our key to success was the thorough and efficient property search process. By pre-viewing numerous options, we saved our clients valuable time and focused only on the best choices. Expanding the search area to Parsons Green proved crucial, and our strategic advice on offer terms secured the ideal home. The successful negotiation for a stable two-year rent period further ensured our clients' satisfaction, highlighting our commitment to meeting their specific needs and providing a seamless experience.

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